The Dreamweaver Nasal mask changed the CPAP game for me.
Your Right To Breathe Out COVID Ends Where My Nose Begins
They weren’t just wrong. They were criminally wrong.
The New (Selfish) Culture of Death
Every time you refused to wear a mask, every time you have argued against wearing a mask in public, you became responsible for more death. Those deaths are on you.
May whatever god there is have mercy on your soul.
The Danger Is Not (Just) The Coughing Person
There’s something important implied by the graphs of COVID-19 cases that is not emphasized enough. Look at the daily new infections graph for Ohio. The numbers for the […]
Two Covid Observations
Two simple observations amid this chaos.
Media Resource Center: Lies or Incompetence, They’re Still Going to Get People Killed.
Media Resource Center has spread a meme that is either lying – and people will die as a result of their lies – or they are grossly incompetent. And I can show it with three graphs and some basic math.