They weren’t just wrong. They were criminally wrong.
health / health care / healthcare
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The New (Selfish) Culture of Death
Every time you refused to wear a mask, every time you have argued against wearing a mask in public, you became responsible for more death. Those deaths are on you.
May whatever god there is have mercy on your soul.
health / health care / healthcare / society
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Two Covid Observations
Two simple observations amid this chaos.
health / healthcare / society / status
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Are We People or Parts?: Chronic Illness and Employer Wellness Programs
The corporate focus on “wellness choices” is a shiny polish on a toxic attitude.
health / health care / healthcare / mental health
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Invisible Illness, Invisible Empathy
We assume that if we can’t see someone’s illness or suffering, then it must be a lie. And that’s so much crap.
health / resource
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Reduce Fly Populations With A Homemade Fly Trap
This variant of the soda bottle fly trap works better for me with houseflies, especially outside.