I’m seeing this trend too often lately: “Listen to me — and just to me. Everyone else is foolish. Those who listen to anyone else is foolish.” In […]
The Crucifixion was Assisted Suicide
Yeah, the title’s to get your attention – but this is a serious theological thought experiment. Put the horror and outrage to the side for a second, and […]
The Parts of An Apology (or: stuff I forget often)
The parts of an apology, in requisite order, are as follows: 1. I’m sorry.* 2. I feel [emotion word]. 3. It sounds like you feel [emotion word] because […]
The Tao of Doctor Who
You can learn a lot from the Doctor. I guess I should be up front and make clear that I’m not an expert in Buddhism or Tao. Nor […]
jesus christ and doctor who walk into a bar
Warnings: Mild spoiler for S4 Doctor Who, possible thematic spoilers S6E1. Contains themes that are probably blasphemous to a bunch of people, but that’s their problem. These get […]
Opportunity in the Unknown
“Everybody is a nice guy, underneath it all. What we become when the world is through messing us over is something else.” – Hagbard Celine Look, y’all, I’m […]