I spoke at the funeral for Virginia Tennant – my grandmother – today. This is what I said.
We never imagined our lives.
We did not imagine the future. We sat around tables in the late 1980’s, playing games pretending to be in the far distant future of 2013 (and later, […]
In Memoriam: Grandparent’s Day, A Little Late.
Last weekend, Facebook thought it’d be a good idea to greet every single user with a banner about Grandparent’s Day. Whether your grandparents were alive or not. I […]
It Looks Like Myst: A Reflection on the Grand Canyon
This was originally written around 1999. It still holds true. It looks like Myst. I’m staring out at the Grand Canyon, one of the most breathtaking natural […]
The Year Is Dead, Long Live The Year
Welcome, folks, welcome. This old thing? Yup, it’s a new year. Got it on sale, I did. No, I think it’s still pretty good quality. The old one? […]
Atomic Time And New Year’s Resolutions
The story goes that it happens every seven years. Supposedly, every cell in your body has died and been replaced within the span of 2500-odd days. Which means […]