Enhanced, modular, bookmarking for newsboat, newsbeuter, or (for that matter) anything that can pass a title and an URL to a program.
bash / linux / programming
Posted on:
MAN, it’s APROPOS. TL;DR: A fix to too many CHEAT sheets
If you snickered, take a look at this project of mine that unifies manpages, apropos, cheatsheets, and TLDR sheets.
bash / linux / programming
Posted on:
A TMUX Devours A Bar
If you use TMUX, you probably want to take a quick look at this post. 🙂
bash / linux / programming
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Clean URLs (And More) With This Bash Script
This bash script will take an URL, follow any redirects, and if it didn’t exist, see if it had been archived by the Internet Archive and return that link instead.
bash / linux / programming
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A Cron Based Alarm Clock That Sucks Less
Yet another bash/cron alarm clock script that does exactly what I need it to do; perhaps you’ll find it useful too.
bash / linux / mpd
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Show MPD’s Album Art On The Desktop With Vindauga
Want to use MPD as a lightweight music player, but want your album art displayed on the desktop? Check this out.