Were there not enough spoopy sounds for you last time? Very well; let’s continue with more creepy-ass music for your amusement.
First, let’s start with some game soundtracks that I’ve mentioned previously that are go-to tracks for me when writing creepy stuff: No More Room in Hell and Project Zomboid. Both take different (and nicely creepy) takes on the zombie theme, and feature gorgeous soundtracks well worth a listen (and purchase).
And can we somehow forget the master of creeptastic: Trent Reznor? The Quake OST is delightfully dark (though not able to be purchased outside of the game, AFAIK) and definitely points the way to the atmospheric sounds later developed in the soundtracks for films like The Social Network and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. This is nowhere as evident as his (along with Atticus Ross) cover of the Halloween theme:
And that brings us to Cristobal Tapia de Veer, who did the soundtracks for both Humans and The Girl With All The Gifts, both delightfully understated and creeptastic scores that raise gooseflesh and will serve you well for your macabre feasting.