Swag For The Hypermobile Neurodivergent In Your Life

As we reach the last week of Disability Pride Month, I wanted to create some designs that reflected one of the more annoying and overlooked aspects of neurodivergence: how it goes hand-in-hand with hypermobility.

You might not think that someone could get a joint subluxation from just getting up off a couch, but it happens. I’ve seen it personally (and sat in the ER with them as we waited to find out if it was fully dislocated or not).

With that in mind, I made a couple of designs, focusing on shoulder, knee, and ankle joints. You can get each design on a wide range of things — stickers, t-shirts, and, yes, hoodies. Each one says, "I don’t always roll a joint, but when I do, it’s this one" in a circle around an image of an ankle, knee, or shoulder joint.

These and more are all available at my Spreadshirt shop, check it out!