In some ways, this is the first time I’ve ever really looked for a job.
My last one stretched almost twenty years; it was originally offered to me by a headhunter after eight years straight in the military. While I’ve done a lot of other work, it was in addition to my "day job". So the sudden need to find a new day job was something I had no real experience with, particularly while attempting to change careers [1], and it was – and is – bloody terrifying.
A friend forwarded me the free weekly newsletter of Altac Jobs [2] – a curated listing of opportunities that pretty much apply to people like me. It quickly became a sort of lifeline. No matter how crappy I felt about my job search, each week I got a new list of places to try. So when they offered a customized job search service, I jumped at the chance.
When I spoke with Rachel to set up the curated service, I told her how much her weekly newsletter had helped keep my spirits up, and she was visibly moved. Her experience – like most people who create things – was akin to shouting into the void. You see clicks in your analytics, sure, but that’s not the same.
I’ve noticed the same pattern over the last several months. People have a tendency to talk about the bad influences, the bad experiences. There’s a PR truism that people will tell approximately 20 others about a bad experience, and fewer than 5 about a good one; my experience is that even fewer will give creators that positive feedback.
So do it. Do it now.
Tell them. Tell the people who have written the stories, created the service, made the art, performed the songs, whatever it is that’s been a positive and beneficial force in your life. Tell them what impact they’ve had on you.
Because at the rate the world’s going, I dunno how much more of a chance you’re going to have.
Featured Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash
[1] For those curious, yes, I’m still looking.
[2] Recommended highly – check ’em out at