Contracts are vital for authors and publishers (and yes, self-pub people as well, because there’s some strange stuff in distributor contracts sometimes.) I wrote a big compendium post about contracts two years ago, but I’ve been making some tweaks to my own sample contracts over the years.
With SFWA recently releasing a new model magazine contract (which is of particular interest to me at the moment), I decided to spend part of my Labor Day (appropriately) making sure my contract templates were in line with SFWA’s guidelines.
You can see the updated contract templates over on github at, and you can see a full changelog of what’s been changed and when with the commit log.
As always, I offer my contract templates up freely under the MIT license (e.g. you can freely use and derive works from it; I’m not liable for anything and don’t claim they’re good for squat). The goal of sharing these contracts is to improve the knowledge of
authors, myself, and hold publishers (including myself) to a higher