Being the programming director this year for Context has been an interesting experience. I’ve had to quickly learn when I’m over my head, learn when I’ve waited too long to ask for help, and learn how to say “thank you” enough times to the panelists and friends who have helped make things work.
Yes, I realize that Context is still months off, but most of the heavy lifting is done, and now it’s time to assemble the furniture, polish the armoir, and arrange the pictures on the wall. (Like the website, which I’m waaaaaaaay behind on updating.)
But I’m optimistic. Because I remember a prior convention that I had to assemble programming for… twenty years ago.
Yup. And when you look at this schedule, it seems pretty simple:
But man, was I peter-principled then. Sure, the convention happened… but barely. So when I look at all the programming for Context with over seventy panels, events, and workshops…well, suddenly I feel a lot better about it.
While I’m still getting the webpages updated, you can see a lot about our guests and events on our Tumblr; but don’t wait – register for Context today!