To wit:
I’m honored by the comparison to Jaym Gates and Jim Hines – both people I know and respect. I’ve yet to meet Luhrs and Fox, but we’ll get around to it someday.
If you’re interested in what I said on Twitter to deserve this, feel free to see. I haven’t deleted my tweets (unlike others). But really, it’s not that important – remember, sometimes people don’t like you. And that’s okay.
I’m posting this because after he name-checked me above, I’ve had three separate people ask me about this:
[UPDATE: Bryan decided to remove the page I linked to. There is (at least at present) still a Google Cache version; a screengrab of the page is here:]
Bryan Thomas Schmidt was originally going to be the co-anthologist of Streets of Shadows. I did not publicly mention – positively or negatively – Bryan Schmidt’s role, departure, or reasons for departure from the project.
I’m very, very happy that Jerry Gordon is co-anthologist now.
As to why BTS left… well, I will simply stand by what I said on the 26th of May.
@ferretthimself @damiengwalter I almost worked with him…we had differences of opinion about guidelines and policies.
— Steven Saus (@uriel1998) May 26, 2014
The policies that I insisted upon and that he characterizes as "unprofessionalism and lack of integrity" are here:
I’ll leave you with this wonderful quote that came out of it all:
My rule of thumb is never, ever send material to an editor you wouldn’t be honoured to be rejected by.
— Damien Walter (@damiengwalter) May 26, 2014
Words to live.. and write… by.
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: Please do not boycott buying books that BTS has edited (or that were in the pipeline up through this point). That will simply hurt the authors or co-anthologists… and it’s not fair at all to make them pay for someone else’s stupidity.