I’m pleased to officially announce that I’m one of the faculty for the Antioch Writer’s Workshop Spring Seminar: “Paths to Publishing”.
So you’ve written a story, an essay, a novel, a book-length work of
creative nonfiction… and now you’d love to get it into the hands of
readers. Now what? Do you… pursue an agent? Submit to magazines or
publishers? Self-publish or indie-publish? What about contracts? Writing
queries? And synopses? And book proposals? When and how do you
self-promote… on a web site, Facebook page, twitter… WHEW! You’ve
got questions about the business end of creative writing and publishing.
WE HAVE ANSWERS. By the end of the day, you’ll be armed with a robust
set of knowledge, tips, tools, resources, all of which will help you
decide YOUR next steps in the publishing aspect of your writing career!
You can check out the entire faculty list and register at:
The seminar is 22 March, with registration due by 18 March, so don’t delay!