I used to use (and recommend) Turpial as a light twitter client, but those days are gone with a recent mandatory change in the API. No matter – I’d largely been using ttytter as a way to browse twitter in a dropdown window with few problems.
But…but…I wanted something I could glance at. Something I could just peruse without any difficulty when I had just a few moments. Something… embedded in the desktop.
So I did it.
Yes, that’s my twitter stream. On the desktop.
I already had ttytter installed and configured, and then simply followed the directions here to embed the terminal in the desktop. It helped that I was already running Openbox, of course. On other system types (including OSX) you can use the instructions here at https://daesu.github.io/blog/2013/01/22/embedded-terminal-on-desktop/ or these instructions for GNOME 3: https://askubuntu.com/questions/167428/embed-terminal-on-desktop-in-gnome-3-4
Because it’s behind all the other windows, I have to make a conscious effort to look at it. Otherwise, it’s invisible. Huzzah! Informed without constant notifications and distractions. Goal achieved.
Oh, and one other thing. Here’s my settings for .Xdefaults that gets it looking so nice.
URxvt.font: xft:Inconsolata:size=8