Yup, it’s flash fiction time again!
As always, this is based around Laurence Simon’s weekly challenge for the 100 word-stories podcast. It’s a great exercise for writers – writing a good drabble is a lot harder than it appears, but is still a "small" task so you can get around that idea of it being too much work. And then you get a random (and often bizarre) writing prompt to shoehorn you out of writer’s block! Go read the rules for the Weekly Challenge and participate! Heck, Chris the Nuclear Kid does when he remembers to (and I can drag him away from video games)!
Shane sighed in the backseat and tried to get his parent’s attention. "How far is it to Grandma’s?"
"It’s a while yet, honey."
"How far is that, Mom?"
Her sigh echoed his own. "A hundred more miles. Shush so Daddy can concentrate on driving."
Shane looked out the window. Even an irritating sibling wouldn’t be boring.
"Mom, how far now?"
"Shane, just read one of your books."
She’d used the "Mom" voice, so he stopped asking and looked out the window again.
When the first zombie shambled from the woods, he smiled.
It wouldn’t be a boring trip after all.