About a year ago, the eBook version of Hungry For Your Love was published.
Since then, I’ve wowed audiences reading my story from the anthology, Kicking The Habit. I’m not bragging there; this is what other people have told me. Sure, I got their interest with my barker’s cry of “Zombies! Romance! Think it can’t be done? Come see at my reading!”, but the story is what kept them.
Now for those of you who couldn’t be at a reading and didn’t want to deal with a PDF have another option. St. Martin Griffin picked up the print rights to the anthology, and that print version (along with the nook and kindle version) coming out tomorrow. Make no mistake, this anthology ain’t for the kiddies (my story is “PG-13”, but the rest hover somewhere around a steamy “R”), but it’s an amazing variety of approaches. Humans and humans, humans and zombies, zombies and zombies, and every variety inbetween. Post zombpocalypse, pre-zombpocalypse, and more.
You can pick Hungry For Your Love at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any major bookseller near you.