I first stumbled onto the Writer’s Symposium three years ago at GenCon, because I hadn’t registered for much else, and it sounded neat.
Now I’m a panelist, am an associate member of SFWA, and have stories all over the place.
If you’re in the area (I’m talking about GenCon Indianapolis here), the Symposium rivals full-on writer’s seminars that cost far, far more. If you’re a writer (especially a genre writer), gamer, or someone who once dreamed of seeing your stories in print, you owe it to yourself to attend. You can read about all the panels here on Jean Rabe’s page, see the full list of attending authors and their signing schedules, and register at GenCon’s website.
Even if you’ve already signed up for games, take an hour or two to swing by to a panel or two. Many are free, and the rest are inexpensive and well worth your while.