I’ve noticed a weird tendency over the last four years.
I cry more.
I get choked up, too. I still don’t like tear-jerkers, either. I mean things like Dr. Horrible and Iron Man, or TED talks about XRTB. Stuff that might be emotional… but, c’mon!~
I am enough of a sociologist to note that this is because I no longer have to “keep it together” 24/7 all the time. My norming community – such as it is – is changing to one more accepting of such gestures and expressions of emotion. This also happens a lot to guys when they retire; it’s the force of the male gender role breaking down.
Guys are supposed to be emotionless – at least, as far as sadness goes. Rage is okay, but not much else. That kind of crappy stereotype sinks into your head – whether you consciously buy into it or not. How do I know? I never consciously bought into it. But apparently I did. So now I’m experiencing a level of emotionality I’m not used to, a frequency of emotionality I’m not used to. This is supposed to be liberating, empowering, and being a full human being.
I have one question.
How do I make it stop again?