Once again, I have a 100 word story in the Weekly Challenge. This week’s challenge was “And then you put it in the blender”. Please stop by the 100 Word Story site to vote for mine… er, your favorites. You can read my story alone below, or hear it by itself here. You can, as always, read and hear the rest of the stories at the 100 Word Story site. Be sure to vote for your favorite!
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The guests praise the drinks, my bartending skills. It is part of why Vinnie’s parties are popular.
I used to be the bad child, “not gonna amount to nothing”; a stark contrast to my sister’s channeled angel… until Vinnie took me in. A foot soldier, then lieutenant, now barkeep and “cleaner”. I’d straightened up even as gambling devoured my sister’s bank account, house, marriage. Her debts got out of hand. Her assets were…liquidated.
“Howdja get your Bloody Marys so good?” a mobster calls at me.
“Family secret,” I say, heading towards the kitchen.
Now thats frightening and funny all at once.