It’s frightening to hear someone complain about reading a required journal article… because the author tried to make it interesting and used some color text. Or to hear them complain about how hard it is to read when it’s at (rough guess from hearing it read aloud) an 8th grade reading level. In a PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL.
There’s a new study (and quite a lot of opinion) that indicates that presenting conservatives with facts that contradict their position doesn’t change anything, but just makes them believe lies more strongly. Which reminds me of nothing so much as the Illuminatus! Trilogy, and Hagbard Celine’s method of dividing people up. And that I’m probably half-yeti. My wife assures me I don’t have enough back hair to be a full-blooded yeti. Which explains a lot about my tastes in philosophy.
In other news, I’m mostly fine. If any authors have actually gotten a note from me via your publisher – and happen to actually read this – do let me know. I’d just like to know it’s not all at some dead letter office somewhere.