Don’t ask why there are protests. Don’t even ask why there are riots. You know the answer.
advertising / news / society
Posted on:
You Are The Problem With The News
The problem is you. The problem is me. The problem is all of us who keep falling for the same damn 120-year-old trick.
society / sociology
Posted on:
Common Sense Is Not Common – But Maybe Not For The Reason You Think
It is one of the biggest mis-namings of all time.
society / sociology / technology
Posted on:
If You Understand This, You Missed The Singularity Too
I originally wrote this as science fiction. Given how many of us seem ready to give our consciousness over and become unthinking zombies… well, I’m not sure how fictional it is anymore.
politics / society
Posted on:
Zombies, Replicants, the GOP, and Mrs. French’s Cat
“So, what does it mean? Well… it means something’s going to happen. Something big. But then, something’s always about to happen.” – Pontypool
social justice / society
Posted on:
To fight for justice for one is to fight for justice for all.
To fight for justice for one is to fight for justice for all.