Dear Republican and Conservative friends, family, and citizens: Last night I went to sleep with the normal cat and mouse game that is our checks and balances and […]
politics / trump
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We have waited. Here’s an incomplete list of what we’ve seen.
Remember “wait and see what he does?” To recap, incompletely, LESS THAN A WEEK in office: * On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding […]
politics / racism / trump
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Silence equals Death: Wherein I get scolded for pointing out a guy’s a Nazi
The following actually happened. I’m not going to say who, or where. But it actually happened to me. I am not paraphrasing; this is as close to verbatim […]
politics / trump
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Welcome to the Ministry of Truth, Where Your Pants Are Inflammable
Hi. I’m a postmodernist. I believe everyone has individual perspectives, and that individual truths can be an important thing. One person’s experience may be remarkably different than another, […]
bigot / racism / sexism
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It’s time.
It’s time. We had our initial moment with our white roses, our buttons, and our safety pins. And then, despite a few salvoes here and there, we had […]