Hubris, thy name is Russell T. Davies.
Like Vintage Star Wars and Doctor Who Stuff? I’m Selling Stuff, For Like, Love And Stuff.
I’m selling vintage geeky stuff on eBay so that I can see a significant other more often.
When The Doctor is Completely Wrong, He’s Right – A review of “Twice Upon A Time” and Steven Moffat
Let’s talk about showrunners, writers, and season endcaps on Doctor Who, especially with “Twice Upon A Time” just under our belts. Spoilers, sweetie. First, a reminder: For all […]
Why Donna Noble Is “Stronger” Than Mary Watson – A Practical Example of The Strong Woman Myth Weakening The Story
A few caveats: While I’ve scheduled this to go live after S3 of Sherlock finishes up in the US, there’s spoilers aplenty. You have been warned. Yes, there’s […]
Doctor Versus Doctor In A Stunning Avoidance of SlashFic!
John Michael Perkins posted a cute “what if” on his Facebook the other day: Who would win: Doctor Who or Doctor Doom? I found myself responding at 0400 […]
jesus christ and doctor who walk into a bar
Warnings: Mild spoiler for S4 Doctor Who, possible thematic spoilers S6E1. Contains themes that are probably blasphemous to a bunch of people, but that’s their problem. These get […]