tl;dr – Tastes Like Human: The Shark Guys’ Book of Bitingly Funny Lists is an okay “bathroom book” of lists, but falls short of the goal of Cracked. […]
Review of “Human Tales”
Human Tales attempts to take “fairy tales” – the stories of all the bad things the mystical world perpetrates upon humans – and turn the concept on its […]
Request for Review Blogs
Hey folks, publishing-type stuff here. (betcha guessed from the logo, huh?) If you run or read a book review blog or column, I’m interested in knowing about it. […]
Review: Brother’s Keeper, Stained With Nightmare Juice, To Duty Sworn
This is a review of three stories in The Crimson Pact: Volume One. While I am the publisher of the book, I do not have a story in […]
A Mess of Reviewing Going On
Here’s a mess of reviews to tide you over – short, but sweet. Links are to the Amazon digital versions, if applicable. Dig Up The Vote: Patrick Tomlinson’s […]
Review: Inside Monastic Walls by Chante McCoy
This is a review of a story in The Crimson Pact: Volume One. While I am the publisher of the book, I do not have a story in […]