There are some books (and stories) that you want to like… but can’t. Unfortunately, Pump Six and Other Stories, this collection of Mr. Bacigalupi’s work falls squarely in […]
Book Review: Redshirts by John Scalzi
This book *could* be a one-joke wonder – “Huh. Redshirts die a lot. Huhuhuh.” This book *could* be a good satire, like GalaxyQuest was. Redshirts is neither. Redshirts […]
Review of Caller Unknown by Jennifer Brozek
I live in Ohio. Over the last few months, I’ve been trained to not even pick up the phone if there’s not a caller ID number that I […]
Review: The New Death and Others by James Hutchings
James Hutchings sent me an email, asking me to review his book The New Death and others, and I gladly accepted. The book is a collection of flash […]
Review: Forced Conversion by Donald Bingle
[Full disclosure: I’m a friend of Don Bingle’s, and have published one of his books.] Forced Conversion plays to Donald Bingle’s strengths. He is excellent at taking situations […]
Review of “Industry Talk” by Jennifer Brozek (tl;dr=GET THIS BOOK)
When Jennifer Brozek asked me if I would review Industry Talk (Amazon|B&N|Drive Thru Fiction), I was skeptical: "A book about writing and freelancing for the roleplaying game industry? […]