I’m not a big poetry person, even though I publish a journal that is half poetry (that’s why I have editors who are big poetry people). But it […]
Review: Daughters of Freyja (negative stars, really)
I don’t have a thing against self-pubbed authors (or vertically integrated, or whatever the appropriate term is these days). What I do have a problem with is a […]
Reviews: The Ark and She Walks In Shadows
I’ve got two books to recommend for you today (aside from mentioning briefly the free issue of recompose you can get at the Kickstarter). Full disclosure: I’ve published […]
You are Jack’s Special Snowflake: A Review of The Flux by Ferrett Steinmetz
It’s difficult to say a lot about The Flux that isn’t, in some way, a spoiler. Which is a good thing. The Flux is pretty damn awesome, and […]
Book Review: Zer0es by Chuck Wendig
Zer0es‘ blurb does a decent job setting up the premise: An Anonymous-style rabble rouser, an Arab spring hactivist, a black-hat hacker, an old-school cipherpunk, and an online troll […]
The Battle of Aftermath: Identifying the Empire and the New Republic
Let’s note up front that you might not like a book regardless of the social issues presented in it. Okay? Okay. Because we are not talking about those […]