Join me, the editor, and other contributors to SIDEKICKS! at Epic Loot this Saturday, 6 April, from 4-6pm! Check out the full-size flyer and meet us there!
This is going to be really short and sweet. Millennicon was my first convention as a professional writer. Millennicon is my favorite convention. It is small enough to […]
Millennicon – next weekend!
If you check out my appearances calendar in the sidebar, you will see that there are now my panel appearances for Millennicon. It’s a fun, cozy convention in […]
Congratulations to the winner of the “Kicking the Habit” giveaway!
There were many (many!) entries, but there could only be one winner – N. Hadjichristou! I’ll be sending them the book later today. For everyone else, digital and […]
I Want Your Vote (On What Song I Should Publicly Humiliate Myself With)
The ENnies had a wonderfully silly idea for raising money. Publisher Karaoke. Well, folks, Eighth Day Genesis has been submitted for an ENnie1, which makes me eligible to […]
Hey… want to win a signed copy of my book BEFORE you can buy it?
Why yes, this book: srs steve is srs. This is a GoodReads giveaway for a SIGNED advance/proof copy of Kicking the Habit and Other Stories, my first collection […]