(This is crossposted from uncharted learning, the resource list I run for homeschoolers and educators.) One of my bigger annoyances about history classes is the way we leave […]
A Must for Lovecraft Fans
Look, I know that it’s rare that a story set in the “Lovecraft Mythos” has stirred you. That they are pale imitations of the unspeakable horror that took […]
Another quick thought…
I tend to agree with Cory Doctorow on intellectual property stuff, and on that count the link below is worth reading. But the quotation – which I know […]
And then sometimes humanity's okay.
There seems to be something about the middle of the night. I find myself, kept awake by aches, pains, or worries, putzing on the computer. I try to […]
I'm being busy…
Posting will be erratic at best for the next few days. I’m unsure what kind of access – if any – I’ll have. Feel free to follow me […]
Crosspost: Houses Like Mine
Crossposted from Polishing the Gem City, my Dayton-area blog. I didn’t know what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t houses like mine. We were doing voter registration, and […]