When you’re setting up your VPN connection, the most comprehensive way is to do it through your router. The problem is that if you want to reach anything […]
Congress Killed Your Privacy, What Next? – Step Two: Change your DNS servers
(Updated 7/12/2018, now that net neutrality is dead in Trump’s swamp.) So your browsing history and more can now (unless Trump does something unexpected) be sold by your […]
Congress Killed Your Privacy, What Next? Step 1 – Get and Use a VPN
So Congress just killed your internet privacy. What next? The first – and perhaps most important – step is to learn about and use a VPN. What’s a […]
The Saurian Spider – Making It A Little Harder for Your ISP to Sell Your Web History
In 2016, the FCC ruled that internet service providers had to get your permission before selling your raw browsing data . While that wasn’t hard for them to […]
Using An Alternate Browser As Your Communications Hub
I have friends who enjoy messaging on several different platforms – notably, SMS, Hangouts, Skype, and Facebook Messenger. (I use a Google Voice number and Hangouts integration for […]
Switching from Twitterfeed to dlvr.it; a test post.
With the sudden news that Twitterfeed is shutting down in two weeks, I’ve just changed all my feeds over to another service, dlvr.it. If you see duplicate posts […]