Dear wealthy people who are threatening to cut wages, add surcharges, and cut hours because you think healthcare reform might cost you more money: I accept that you’re […]
I got taken by a satire news article about GOP politicians. Here’s why.
I got hornswaggled. Mourdock: Rape Victims Should Have ‘Prayed Harder’ — Steven Saus (@uriel1998) October 27, 2012 It’s not true. He didn’t say that. Here’s an excerpt from […]
Needing welfare
Before you start talking about people who get welfare in some way, realize that you don’t know who around you has been helped by govt aid in the […]
Empathic Bullying
It’s ironic that my girlfriend and I were talking a week ago about sociopaths. Because right now, I’m seeing supposedly neurotypical “empaths” causing more harm to our societal […]
Where political correctness succeeded – and where it has failed
A lot of my discussions with people this month have centered around changing things – or people – for the better. Hell, see that last blog post, where […]
The biggest shopping day of the year is the day after we give thanks for what we already have.
I don’t “get” major holidays. Maybe I’m able to have this perspective because I haven’t often gotten major holidays, at least, not from work. Whether from working in […]