TL;DR: It’s a bad idea. Seriously. Here’s why.
Save Yourself From (Everyone’s) Fake News
You have a choice. Be misled by lies, or choose your web of trust.
It Doesn’t Matter If Someone Hates The Thing You Like
I’ve long held that if someone insists their way is the only right way it points to their uncertainty about what they’re doing. And I’ve yet to see anything to prove otherwise.
In Praise Of Bad Moms
Bad Moms contributed absolutely nothing to the larger society-wide discussion about feminism. But there are many, many individual feminist stories that are just starting that journey.
Stereotypes Are So Freaking Common And So Freaking Dangerous
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.
Except when they’re not.
Clickbait Is Playing You For A Fool
When we have bullshit “studies” shared and commented upon with the same weight as real research, they get to play you for a sucker, getting you to buy into whatever agenda they might have.