Free speech allows for being a sexist jerk. It doesn’t spare you the consequences.
Sad is Female, Angry is Male (But Shouldn’t Be)
If we don’t change our unconscious biases, we will never be free of bigotry and prejudice.
Publishing and Privilege
So many scandals. So little time and energy.
In Vino (and Menstrua) Veritas
If you (regardless of your gender) find yourself thinking “Oh, is it her time of the month?”, check yourself, then pay attention to what she has to say.
Same ashhole, different day: FOSS may have a (not so cute) Puppy problem
That small number can easily be overwhelmed, their regressive clamor stilled, if the rest of the FOSS community simply stands up to be counted. Stands up to say that yes, they do want innovation and quality code. Stands up to say that yes, they do just want to have great software — but what makes a software good is skill, and audacity, and the ability to consider the future clearly rather than through the foggy lenses of nostalgia and privilege.
Don’t be a jerk to people asking questions about the things important to you.
It’s another thing to spend as much time as it would take to answer the question to instead go out of your way to make sure someone else knows you’re not giving them the answer about something you find important…whether in software or feminism.