While both The Woman in Black and Winchester are both gothic ghost stories, Winchester‘s lady in black doesn’t succeed as well as The Woman in Black due to […]
When The Doctor is Completely Wrong, He’s Right – A review of “Twice Upon A Time” and Steven Moffat
Let’s talk about showrunners, writers, and season endcaps on Doctor Who, especially with “Twice Upon A Time” just under our belts. Spoilers, sweetie. First, a reminder: For all […]
Review: Bright (2017) – A solid urban fantasy popcorn flick with one big problem
I’m going to go ahead and say that if you’re a fan of urban fantasy or a gamer, you’re going to like Bright, the Netflix exclusive movie starring […]
Review: Valerian’s huge problems sink a very pretty film
I just watched Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets, and it reminded me of an issue of the magazine Heavy Metal, circa 1989, in the best […]
Ignore stupid “scary” music. More creepy stuff for this season.
Were there not enough spoopy sounds for you last time? Very well; let’s continue with more creepy-ass music for your amusement. First, let’s start with some game soundtracks […]
Ignore stupid “scary” music. Go for some deeply creepy stuff this season.
It is almost that most wonderful time of the year – the time when leaves fall, when mortality is evident, and children scamper oblivious collecting candy while adults […]