The New Year’s special of Sherlock, The Abominable Bride ($11-$15 on Amazon) is… well, okay. Keep in mind that if you’re waiting for Amazon instead of broadcast, you’ve […]
Quick Review: Rotcho Canvas Medical Bag
Need a pur… satchel? The Rothco canvas medic bag ($13 on Amazon) is a great size if you need to carry a tablet and keyboard along with some […]
The Force Awakens is a Worthy Star Wars Film Because It Knows Its Material (pretty spoiler free)
The Force Awakens is the first movie that consistently felt like Star Wars since 1983, and it’s all about knowing your tropes and using them as callbacks. Let […]
Supergirl E06: “Red Faced” (or: “Please, can we have more of the B story?”)
A few quick thoughts about Supergirl, in particular, episode 6, “Red-Faced”. (Yeah, there’s some spoilery bits.) First let me get this out of the way: I like this […]
Reviews: The Ark and She Walks In Shadows
I’ve got two books to recommend for you today (aside from mentioning briefly the free issue of recompose you can get at the Kickstarter). Full disclosure: I’ve published […]
You are Jack’s Special Snowflake: A Review of The Flux by Ferrett Steinmetz
It’s difficult to say a lot about The Flux that isn’t, in some way, a spoiler. Which is a good thing. The Flux is pretty damn awesome, and […]