If you strip away the myth from the man, You will see where we all soon will be. Tell the rabble to be quiet; we anticipate a riot […]
Guns and Holy Week
As we finish up Lent and head into Easter, I think that the story of Jesus has lessons for us today, right now, in the United States. And […]
Hey, are you trying to kill God over there?
Sometimes I think that religious folks should really take a course or two on worldbuilding. Take transubstatiation. This is a religious dogma (largely held by Roman Catholics) that […]
The Good Samaritan was not “pro-life” like Paul Ryan
There’s performing religion, and then there’s doing the work.
A Failure of WorldBuilding: How *The Conjuring* Doesn’t Make Sense
It only took me three years to realize The Conjuring doesn’t make sense. I mean, I don’t think it fulfills a fundamental role of genre, but the film’s […]
When a hate site claims it’s not a hate site, because religion
The site linked to at the bottom is – and you’ve been warned – some concentrated, distilled, and purified self-righteous fuckery dressed up and pretending that it’s a […]