A customer left to wait after returning at our request. Departments not being made aware of new customers, trash left on the floors and equipment not put away. […]
An alien nation
It’s pretty common for people to feel good about being at conventions. Being in a new and interesting place, being away from the everyday concerns of life… all […]
Do you need critics?
I wanted to draw attention to something Scott Kurtz wrote the other day: PvPonline » Archive » Why we insulate I’m not sure how I ended up in […]
Solving the Problem – Step One
I have a friend who appeals to the Constitution on a regular basis. “It’s not explicitly in the Constitution, so we shouldn’t be doing it,” he argues. He’s […]
Dance, Monkey, Dance
How many people value you for who you are, for what you are thinking? And how many people are simply entertained by the trained monkey you have turned […]
Can you stop being part of the problem?
When I was younger, I hoped that perhaps the world was changing. That perhaps humanity was “growing up”. Um, yeah. Not so much. I am, by temperment, a […]