I knew who the slackers would be. I ran the Jail-And-Bail booth three years (maybe four, it blurs) in a row for a church carnival. It was largely […]
Which way to accountability?
The employee looked even more confused than the customer. “I’m not sure where that department is,” he said. “I’m new here, and…” “Maybe I can help,” I interjected. […]
You mean that corporate radio is a bunch of posers?! Shock!
Okay, a break from the stories for a moment. Last night I wrote an open letter to WXEG – a radio station in Dayton, OH. I’d taken offense […]
Undermining Christianity, One Die Roll at a Time
No, this isn’t about Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe it seems a little uncharitable to review an explicitly Christian game on a Sunday – one that was a gift, […]
Should is a four… er… six letter word
For all the posturing about the threat of relativism, we still live in a society that enshrines the worst aspects of structural functionalism. As a quick refresher, structural […]
Literal Literary Belief
I found myself debating against Creationism earlier this week. There’s three points – not the usual ones – that I want to cover. I think they’re all imporant […]