Burnt out on your NaNo book? Feel like you just don’t have time to write? Surely you’ve got time to write a 100 word story. Write one that […]
Making it and giving it away
Yesterday we went over some common issues with “free downloads” being equivalent to “making it”. There’s two that deserve some special attention: How putting your work up for […]
Avoid following this advice
Recently, some other authors have been talking about how there’s no such thing as universal mid-career advice. I’d like to take that one step further. There is no […]
What's it worth to you?
There’s a strange concept that persists out there – one that directly impacts the economics of publishing. I’ve used the example of enjoying a book for four hours […]
The First Novel Sale Survey Results (Full Further Analysis)
[Steve’s note: This is a compendium post. Please link to this one, okay? The raw SPSS data (it’ll open in PASW as well) is here. Click to embiggen […]
Regressing the Novel Sales
This is part five (part one, two, three, four) of my further analysis of results from Jim C. Hines’ author survey of first novel sales. Today, I’m going […]