There isn’t a way to sugarcoat this: You are going to be forgotten.
People Suck At Risk Assessment
What we worry about says a lot about us. And it isn’t good.
Resource: Online Social Psychology Studies
Nearly 500 social psychology studies – all online – for you to peruse and participate in!
Bad Boys, Victimization, and Gaslighting: Three Recommendations
Relationships – and more importantly, toxic things in relationships – are a topic I keep coming back to. Partially because it fascinates me, and partially because I’ve seen and experienced so much needless pain.
And one of the things that people – including myself – keep tripping up on is labeling behavior.
Even the bad options are a choice. Examine them all.
Examine all your options. And then choose them based on what makes you happiest and healthiest, not what someone else decides for you.
They didn’t say hello. They must have been smuggling children.
The grave offense happened at a gas station: A greeting to strangers with children, and no answer. Seriously. That was it. An acquaintance on Facebook said they asked […]