An update of obdevicemenu that uses bash and udisks2
bash / linux / programming
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A Cron Based Alarm Clock That Sucks Less
Yet another bash/cron alarm clock script that does exactly what I need it to do; perhaps you’ll find it useful too.
bash / programming
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Updating the Placeholder Images Bash Script
Get yourself FREE images from four different sources, sized to your project’s needs!
bash / programming
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Getting the Weather And Forecast with A Bash Script
With various services shutting down their public/free APIs, my various weather scripts stopped working. So I wrote some.
linux / programming
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Get top memory and CPU consuming commands in Linux
These scripts show me the top five memory using (or CPU using, respectively) commands. That is, it lumps all vivaldi-bin or firefox-bin processes together before doing the calculation and sort. That way I can see what commands are eating up everything.
programming / technology
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Appreciate Your User Interface Today
At least you’re not typing -i -q 3 -k 9 after each command.