So I made the first big change in my repository for eBook utilities in a long time, largely because I’m toying with completely changing my workflow. I used […]
e-books / ebooks / linux / programming
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ebooks / programming
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Word to HTML and Smartening Quotes for eBooks using SED and HTMLTidy
I had a bunch of separate DOC files with underlines to convert to italics and some smart quotes in the text and some straight quotes. I wanted a […]
linux / programming
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DIY e-mail autoresponder using getmail, sendmail, and bash.
After futxing about with several free (and commercial) autoresponders for a simple task, I realized that it would be easier to just set the thing up myself. Yes, […]
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Scripts and Utilities to Make Newsbeuter a Console Replacement For Google Reader
tl;dr: I created some utilities for Newsbeuter, a console-based RSS reader, so that it gives me the social options I want and need in a light newsreader. You might find them useful too.
music / programming
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Convert Easily From PLS to CMus Playlist
I did more than one geeky thing last week; here’s the other: Converting PLS to CMus playlist format It’s a bash script that serves as a playlist converter […]