Okay, first, let me put Fallen London in context for you here. They use the term “browser game” to describe it, which frankly put me off of it […]
The Soundtrack To the Future We Were Supposed To Get, Or: “Stranger Things” got me listening to synthwave
I can imagine the elevator pitch for Stranger Things going something like this: “Okay, we’re going to mash together Escape From Witch Mountain, It, The Goonies, and E.T. […]
For your weekend: Sock Puppet Parody
I’m not quite sure how I managed to be unaware of the SockPuppet Parody YouTube channel for so long, but you shouldn’t be unaware of them for a […]
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand a little musical silliness to bring us into the end of the week
Hey, you thought I’d leave you to the weekend with something serious? Um, no. Enjoy “The Deadpool Shoop”, produced by Voicedude. Like the DP himself, very, very, very […]
Review: Babymetal (both Babymetal and METAL RESISTANCE)
Let me start by saying that I really, really liked the first Bodycount album. What impressed me most about it was how each track was recognizably influenced by […]
Writing (and gaming) Music: The Cryo Chamber Collective (Azathoth and Cthulhu)
It’s difficult to get that mix of “creepy”. It sounds like it should be easy – a low throbbing undercurrent, maybe a few other little grace notes of […]