There’s a few mashup artists who have been around the whole decade. DJ Earworm is one of them. This track, “Stairway to Bootleg Heaven” was from back in […]
Mashup Week At Ideatrash
There are a lot of crappy mashups out there. But I’ve found some really, really good ones over the last decade. Ones that take good (or even not-so-good) […]
Music Review: Resonance by VNV Nation
I had my love of darkwave music reawakened recently; most of VNV Nation’s discography falls squarely in that genre. But this album… this album is something more. VNV […]
In Memory of This Is My Jam
I really liked This is My Jam, which just went into “archive” status. As they put it: This is an archive of the music community This Is My […]
Writing Music: Papo and Yo
I have to admit that I have not yet played Papo and Yo. (Though after rewatching the trailer, I might just fix that right soon.) But I have […]
Writing Music Review: Tycho
I first became aware of Tycho through the excellent podcast Song Exploder. While I definitely intellectually enjoy all of the Song Exploder episodes, I don’t always enjoy the […]