I really liked This is My Jam, which just went into “archive” status. As they put it:
This is an archive of the music community This Is My Jam. From 2011 to 2015, every song posted here was someone’s favorite.
From hit releases to rare finds to old gold, Jam is home to over two million carefully hand-picked songs. All jams, no filler.
Explore the archives and browse the song collections of the members who made Jam what it was. Get every collection as a Spotify playlist, like this.
It had problems. It was sometimes hard to just… listen. And sometimes it was a real trial to be able to find an audio or video version of the song you wanted to post that allowed embedding.
Aside from cool things like the posterwall of my jams, there was something deliberate about This is My Jam. Sure, if you’re interested in what I’m listening to, you can follow me on last.fm (hint: lately it’s been VNV Nation. A LOT of VNV Nation), but sometimes what I’m just playing isn’t quite the same as what I’d choose to represent “my jam”.
And looking back over the last few years of my jams, there’s a story there. (If you know, you can see it pretty clearly. At least, I can.)
So I think I’m going to be posting jams every week or so over on my tumblr with the #thisismyjam tag. Just because.