While you shouldn’t judge a book by a cover (well, maybe these), you probably enjoy the covers of many of the books in your Calibre library. And since […]
Using An Alternate Browser As Your Communications Hub
I have friends who enjoy messaging on several different platforms – notably, SMS, Hangouts, Skype, and Facebook Messenger. (I use a Google Voice number and Hangouts integration for […]
SOLVED: Command line BPM (beats per minute) Analysis in Linux
Here’s a quick programming thing to help the many many many people looking for an easy way to analyze beats-per-minute (or BPM) on linux. I’d been using an […]
Like electronic music? Like listening to it at your PC? I have good news for you….
A while back, digitally imported, one of my two favorite streaming sources of music (the other is Soma.fm, give them some love) decided to restrict ad-supported streaming to […]
Volume Normalization Made Easy with MPD (and a few scripts)
If you use MPD (Music Player Daemon) like I do to provide whole-house audio or to give you simple command-line music queuing, these two scripts won’t look like […]
Odds and Ends: Optimizing SSHFS, moving files into subdirectories, and getting placeholder images
And to start up this week of various little scripts and tweaks, we’re going to collect some SSHFS tweaks and two single-use-but-damn-when-you-need-it-you-need-it scripts I wrote. First, the […]