These scripts show me the top five memory using (or CPU using, respectively) commands. That is, it lumps all vivaldi-bin or firefox-bin processes together before doing the calculation and sort. That way I can see what commands are eating up everything.
Get A Daily Briefing Without Big Brother
Like the daily briefing idea from home assistants, but don’t want to talk to your wiretap? Here’s a solution.
Same ashhole, different day: FOSS may have a (not so cute) Puppy problem
That small number can easily be overwhelmed, their regressive clamor stilled, if the rest of the FOSS community simply stands up to be counted. Stands up to say that yes, they do want innovation and quality code. Stands up to say that yes, they do just want to have great software — but what makes a software good is skill, and audacity, and the ability to consider the future clearly rather than through the foggy lenses of nostalgia and privilege.
Search Your VCard Contacts Easily With pplsearch
Introducing pplsearch, which provides a quick gui search through vcards using ppl and vdirsyncer. And yes, it can show contact images.
Running multiple Dropbox accounts simultaneously on a headless Linux server (with tmux or screen)
While I was setting up my home server, I realized that it would make sense to have both my and my sweetie’s Dropbox accounts sync to that machine […]
Free Software Activity: A Playlist maker for MPD based on genre and BPM
NOTE: This has been updated, rewritten, and otherwise improved. Read more here. Back in November I wrote about mpdq, an MPD autoqueue client that has no external dependencies […]