tl;dr: This is how to set a dynamic title of the path name and variant icons in your xterm (and probably any other terminal application) without altering .Xresources. […]
Pass OSX and Linux File Paths to Windows Programs Running Under WINE In One Script
tl;dr: Even with WINE to let you run Windows software in Linux or OSX, the filenames are formatted differently. This shell script fixes that so you can set […]
Making Xterm Play (Mostly) Nice With Copy-And-Paste (and Not Look Ugly Too)
Some guys work on cars; I work on getting the last little bit of performance and customization out of my computer. That’s why I’m using Xterm (if I’m […]
Cross-Platform Scripts to Create Time/Date Stamped Versions of Your Files For Collaborative Work (with GUI options!)
Summary: A set of scripts (one for *nix and OS X, one for Windows) that create a time-date stamped copy of any file from the commandline. Lots of […]
Updated: Control PulseAudio With a Command-Line Ruby Script
Ah, PulseAudio. A brief description for those unfamiliar with it: As described on the PulseAudio page: PulseAudio is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is […]
Keeping Google Music Manager (or any program) From Eating Your Bandwidth on linux
I’ve been using Google Music Manager to upload my collection to the cloud (primarily as a free backup solution), but I’ve had one small problem. The rate limiting […]