Excuses aren’t enough to fix a missing stair.
In Praise Of Bad Moms
Bad Moms contributed absolutely nothing to the larger society-wide discussion about feminism. But there are many, many individual feminist stories that are just starting that journey.
Don’t be a jerk to people asking questions about the things important to you.
It’s another thing to spend as much time as it would take to answer the question to instead go out of your way to make sure someone else knows you’re not giving them the answer about something you find important…whether in software or feminism.
Stop being cowards, men: Own up to and fix the sexual violence in our culture
I shared this link earlier today from an article titled “Women are having sex out of politeness and that’s got to stop”. (Triggers behind the link, obvs.) https://metro.co.uk/2017/12/11/women-sex-politeness-got-stop-7149789 […]
The important news about Harvey Weinstein isn’t what he did.
The important news about Harvey Weinstein isn’t what he did. Don’t get me wrong – what he did (and really, is there any point in putting “allegedly”?) is […]
It isn’t how you screw up as a feminist. It’s how you deal with screwing up.
There’s already a lot of digital ink being spilled about Joss Whedon’s alleged infidelities while married to his ex-wife. The Mary Sue in particular has done a good […]