There’s another sea change coming down the line – and it’s one that could completely upend digital publishing. Again. Remember 2003? Cory Doctorow had just published Down and […]
I got a phone call from the guy who runs TUEBL… (or: Pirates and Bandits Revisited)
If you didn’t see the earlier post, I took TUEBL (The Ultimate E Book Library) to task for clothing piracy in the language of idealism. I’d also left […]
Wishing for Honest Pirates, or An Open Letter to TUEBL
[EDIT 23:45EST]: I spoke to the guy who runs TUEBL just a little bit ago. A blog post about that conversation will go up tomorrow morning. After you […]
There Be Titans: Negotiating the eBook Marketplace
While at Origins this year, I was talking to Gregory Wilson (and the issue came up again on a panel or three) about what was going on in […]
Publishing The “Right” Way
One of the unfortunate side effects of (successful) self/indie publishing shows up in the attitudes of (some) writers. To paraphrase: “You can’t just write anymore, and you’re a […]
Amazon Finally Steps on Page-Scraped eBooks
Kudos to Amazon (though it’s far, far late coming) for finally pointing out the obvious: Making eBooks that repackage freely accessible (but not public domain) web content are […]