Remember when everyone paid attention to who really “owned” the eBooks you bought? It was a couple of years ago, in 1999. It was largely centered around Amazon’s […]
Should You Publish It Yourself: Show Me The Money (a real-world comparison)
[UPDATED: Robert Helmbrecht clarifies what Hazardous Press is asking for in the comments.] Over on Facebook, Rob Smales asked this question: I understand that agents are not interested […]
The Beginning of The End of Social Media (at least for Independent Authors)
There’s a big "given" throughout this post: You’re already making something awesome. Whether it’s publishing, drawing, writing, or singing, I am assuming that you are creating and that […]
HOWTO Evaluate a Market (a walkthrough)
I recently got an e-mail from a friend asking about an "opportunity" to make some money from their short (audio) fiction… but they weren’t sure about the site […]
Promoting your Book: The Good And The Bad
This is really quick, and really simple. A good way to promote your book: Use a Goodreads giveaway. Like this one I’m running for Dangers Untold. (If the […]
Apple’s Conflicting ePub Cover Dimension Messages
As I mentioned in the article about tablets changing the eBook marketplace, Apple is upping its cover image requirements – to 1400 pixels across on the shortest side. […]