It’s been a couple years since I wrote about what a cover letter should look like, and it was definitely before we launched recompose. Three hundred odd submissions […]
Always try to sell short works before putting them in your own collection
I putz about on Reddit sometimes, and ran across this question in /r/Writing (relevant bit quoted below): [I’ve written some short stories now.] I was wondering whether I […]
If the Panel Is Not Diverse, Get Up And Leave
Obvious (to me) disclaimers: I am not claiming personal discrimination here; I am assuming structural discrimination and unconscious bias. I am also less interested here in an individual’s […]
Pay for a novel-writing course! Get a certificate (but apparently, not a novel….)!
I swear, sometimes I wish I didn’t have ethics. Because then I could guilt-free do crap like this: This $331.81 value (snarf choke cough) can be had for […]
Authors, Editors, and Publishers: You should have an nameplate page – even if you have your own website
As I mentioned back in 2013, there is no reason that you as an author should rely on Facebook as a primary author page. And if you want […]
Your Social Media Posts Are Your Company’s Brand – Even From Your Personal Account
So with the … ahem… calm and civil discussion around so called “religious freedom cough discrimination cough laws” there’s a pizza place in Indiana that after publicly saying […]